Corporate Culture and the quest for success – A look at technology companies

Corporate Culture and the quest for success – A look at technology companies

Marc Van Aken

Marc Van Aken brings over 30 years of experience as a high-tech entrepreneur complemented by more than 20 years of teaching in business at the OU Business School (UK) and in communication and entrepreneurship at KU Leuvenʼs Faculty of Engineering Technology (BE). Currently, he also serves as the CEO of SO Kwadraat, an organization that has guided hundreds of tech pre-starters in launching their technology companies. Marc holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Master in Management, a Master in Social Sciences, and a Bachelorʼs degree in Philosophy. He enjoys reading, hiking, and exploring countries around the globe.


Corporate culture is the unseen force that shapes behaviors, values, and norms within an organization. It embodies the collective mindset, emotions, and actions that define daily life in a company. Although corporate culture might appear intangible, its impact is far from subtle—it drives everything from employee morale and productivity to customer satisfaction and long-term success. In the dynamic world of technology companies, where innovation is paramount and change is constant, a strong corporate culture is especially vital. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) can play a crucial role in aligning this culture with the company’s strategic goals, ensuring that every team member is focused on what matters most.

AuteurMarc Van Aken
TitelCorporate Culture and the quest for success – A look at technology companies
ISBN978 90 8287 514 0
Formaat14 x 22cm
Verschijningsdatum25 september 2024
Aantal pagina’s80 p.
Prijs€ 18.50