The Champ Pyramid 2.0 – How to reach the top

The Champ Pyramid 2.0 – How to reach the top

Dr. Joost De Maeseneer

DR. JOOST DE MAESENEER (°1955) served as President of the Medical Committee for the Belgian Cycling Federation. Since 1989, he has worked with several professional cycling teams, including TVM, Memory Card-Jack & Jones, CSC-Tiscali, CSC, Saxobank, Astana, Intermarché-Wanty, and Israel – Premier Tech.  


Cycling Champions don’t grow on trees, and not every cyclist who has the necessary physical talent reaches the top. Joost De Maeseneer, sports doctor for some of the greatest cyclists of all time, developed a Pyramid model to help take talent to the top via a scientific and responsible journey. How this champ-pyramid is working, you will find out in this inspiring book. Importantly, this model is not only for cyclists but also for managers, company leaders and all others who want to reach a higher level.

AuteurDr. Joost De Maeseneer
TitelThe Champ Pyramid 2.0 – How to reach the top
ISBN978 90 8287 512 6
Formaat14 x 22cm
Verschijningsdatum25 september 2024
Aantal pagina’s154 p.
Prijs€ 29.50